Commercial · Industrial · Municipal · Multi-Family (HOA)
As every blade of grass is unique, so are our customers.
In order to exceed our customers expectations we offer the opportunity to review the tasks to be performed on a regular basis. These tasks will define the maintenance service. Our estimators are prepared to offer a complimentary maintenance estimate (contract) within 2 to 3 days of your request.
Below is a list of services to consider when defining your maintenance service needs.
Bed Maintenance- Landscape beds are raked while weeding to maintain a fresh appearance.
Leaf Collection
- Leaves are removed from beds and hard surfaces as needed and defined by maintenance contract.
Hard Surfaces- All walks, patios, driveways, and entries are mechanically cleaned of debris resulting from landscape activities.
Litter Control and General Inspection- During each visit, all landscaped areas will be cleared of all litter and debris.
Turf Mowing- Turf is cut during our site visit in the regular growing season. Mower blades are kept sharp to provide quality cut and mower height is set according to grass variety, type, and conditions.
Turf Fertilization- Turf areas are fertilized a minimum of four times per year with a slow release balanced formula.
Edging- Established hard and soft edges will be maintained providing a clearly defined lawn edge.
Trees and Shrubs- Trees up to twelve (12) feet are pruned to maintain natural shape and balance. Deciduous trees up to twelve (12) feet are pruned during winter dormancy. Evergreen trees up to twelve (12) feet will be pruned in summer or as needed. Debris created during landscape activity will be removed.
- Hardy shrubs are pruned or sheared to maintain natural shape and function as needed to provide desired appearance. Ground covers are trimmed as needed during growing season.
Insect Control and Weed Abatement- Insect control and weed abatement will be performed by our trained and licensed personnel.
Irrigation- The irrigation system start-up will vary due to weather conditions. However it is typically checked for proper coverage and repairs in late Spring or early Summer. In the event repairs are needed, all costs are submitted to the customer in advance for proper approval.
- The irrigation system shut-off will also vary due to weather conditions, however, it is typically conducted in the fall.